What can we proofread/copy-edit for you?
press releases, operating manuals, studies, Master's theses, PhD dissertations, publications, articles, white papers, books, etc
Proofreading is the process of examining the final draft of a document or text - after it has been copy-edited - to ensure there are absolutely no errors. The proofreader does not make any editorial changes but is the detail spotter who corrects last-minute errors in a document before the work goes to print. A proofreader will check for punctuation errors, spelling errors, typos and ensure that the author is appropriately using American/British English grammar and punctuation for his intended audience. For important documents, you will want to hire an experienced proofreader with the ability to find even the smallest grammatical errors that others might overlook. Hiring a proofreader is particularly helpful if you are not confident in your writing, or if English is not your first language.
The copy-editor works in detail on a text or book, after the author has submitted it, and before it has been proofread and prepared for publication. Copy-editing involves improving your text or book to make it the best it can be, as well as finding all the little mistakes in proper names, numbers, source references, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or professional titles. Furthermore, he/she checks the text regarding coherence, sentence structure, paragraphing, proper use of region-specific idioms, orthography, corporate jargon, register, and consistency of style. In this case, style refers to a given publication's guidelines for consistency in how words, phrases, typographical elements, etc., are to be used – or not used. Copy-editing is a broader job than proofreading, and copy-editors are usually paid slightly more.
Researchers and academicians worldwide are currently facing the pressure of successful English-language publication in high-profile journals and hopefully developing a good reputation thereby. A publication comprises official recognition of your contribution within your field and a medium for making your research available to a global audience. However, poor English language skills can often times lead to important studies and discoveries being overlooked at an international level. Professional English language editing and/or proofreading can not only transform your study in terms of clarity and tone, but also increase its liklihood of global readership.