Scientific Translations:

Schloss N>euschwanstein

  • Engl <> German, German <> Engl, other languages also available
  • Areas of expertise: science, technology, research, business, medicine, IT, pharmaceutical industry, press releases, websites, engineering, general, more
  • Native speaker services (US, England, Canada, …)
  • High-quality technical translations for more than 30 years
  • 8 fabulous reasons to choose our Scientific Translation Office: Ronning Translation              

Translation Services

 We offer high-quality scientific translations – researched, produced and finally proofread by our network of mother-tongue professionals. This includes scientific papers, reports, press releases, studies, Master’s and PhD theses, etc dealing with these and more topics:

  • general science,
  • medical research, pharmaceuticals, cancer research,
  • infection research,
  • technical documents,
  • environmental research,
  • computer-assisted surgery,
  • biology,
  • particle accelerators,
  • ecology,
  • forestry and landscape planning,
  • business,
  • IT (software development and websites),
  • monument restoration, etc.

We work closely with the client to make sure that the final product corresponds to his/her expectations: US/UK target language, specific synonyms, technical terminology, unique sector-related language, deadlines, express orders, quantity and/or “favoured client” discounts, etc. Certified documents no problem.



  • Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ) 
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI) 
  • Hauptsitz der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft in Brüssel
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
  • Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg
  • Technische Universität München
  • Technische Universität Dortmund
  • Technische Universität Braunschweig
  • University of Halle
  • Forward Pharma
  • Fraunhofer-Institut
  • Max-Planck-Institut
  • Biotec
  • BMW

These institutions commission us on a regular basis for translation of press releases and scientific/technical/medical research as well as proofreading assignments.

Contact us now for a quick estimate – without obligation – regarding the translation of your text

into English or German (other languages possible):

Mobil +49 163 7943772

Tel. +49 341 91024798

Paul Ronning  |  Simildenstr 5  |  04277 Leipzig, Germany  |  Telefon: +49 341 4937786  |  E-Mail:

Übersetzung, Übersetzungen, Übersetzer, übersetzen, Sprachdienst, Englisch, Deutsch, Muttersprachler, Wissenschaft, wissenschaftlich, Wissenschaftler, Wissenschaftlerin, Technologie, technisch, Technik, Forschung, Forscher, forschen, Medizin, Pharma-Industrie, Krebsforschung,  Umwelt, Umweltforschung, Infektions-Forschung, Computerassistierte Chirurgie, Biologie, Partikel-Beschleuniger, Denkmalpflege, Ökologie, Forstwirtschaft und Landschaftsplanung, Wirtschaft, IT-Branche, Softwareentwicklung, Webseiten, Werbung, Musik, Kunst, Korrektur, Korrekturlesung, korrigieren, Lektorat, lektorieren, Lehrer, Kurse, Dozent, Seminarleiter, Englisch Kurse, Englischlehrer, Lehrer, Deutsch, Deutschlehrer, Kunden, Klienten, Universität, PhD, Master’s, Absolventen, Unterricht, Grammatik, Hörübungen, lesen, schreiben, UE, Referenz, Referenzen, Preise, Rabatt, EUR, Sachsen, Leipzig,


professionell, gründlich, geduldig, zuverlässig, unverzichtbar, schnell,


translate, translator, translation, language, service, English, German, mother-tongue, science, scientific,  technology, technical, research, researcher, medicine, pharmaceutical, industry, cancer, cancer research, environment, environmental, environmental research, infection, computer-assisted, surgery, biology, particle accelerator, monument, heritage, historical, ecology, forestry, management, landscape, planning, economics, IT, branch, sector, field, software, development, website, advertising, promotion, music, art, correction, proofreading, proof, proofreader, copy-editing, copy-editor, editor, teacher, client, customer, university, PhD, doctor, doctoral, graduates, lesson, grammar, listening, reading, writing, reference, testimonial, prices, discount, euro, Saxony, Leipzig,


professional, thorough, patient, dependable, personable, indispensable, fast, rush, express, [google6bd6aef8a758b04b.html]